
Steel guarantee (English)

Wood guarantee (English)


The manufacturer lends a 24 month warranty on their products under the condition of the customer abiding by the following conditions of conservation of the product and abiding the usage recommendations.
The warranty does not cover mechanical damage, natural wear and misuse of product.
An important factor influencing the corrosion resistance is the smoothness and cleanliness of the surface. Even minor scratches or surface damage can become a seed of corrosion. The first symtpom of general corrosion of steel is the matteing of surface. It is recommended to quickly remove any damage and tarnish.
There are several reasons as to why the surface look may change: 
  • Applying a type of steel in a more aggresive environment than expected,
  • Contaminating the surface of stainless steel with iron particles during transport and as a result of using improper tools or abrasive materials during cleaning or usage,
  • Contamination and damage from usage.
Rules of usage and conservation
  • apply cleaning and conservation products and tools made specifically for stainless steel. 
  • In case of cleaning stainless steel products it is reccomended to do a cleaning test in an invisible spot to check how the technique of cleaning and cleaning products affect the look of the surface.
  • In places exposed to intensive humidity and water galvanizing corrosion should be avoided (between stainless and carbon fiber steel). for example by ensuring proper electric insulation.
  • Protect the stainless steel in transport and mounting and prevent any contact with carbon fiber steel, use clean professional tools specifically for stainless steel.
  • Clean only with stainless steel brushes (in case of heavy dirt) or professional cloth. Look out for scratches and texture changes.
  • For pneumatic steaming-abrasive cleaning do not use balls that were used for carbon steel before.
  • Hydrochloric acid must never be used to remove cement residue, always rinse before hardening using clean, cold water.
  1. Fingerprints should be cleaned with 100% alcohol or denaturate. After cleaning, rinse with cold water and wipe dry.
  2. Oils, fats, grease have to be washed with organic dissolvers and then treated with warm water with soap or delicate detergent. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

    More resilient spots and temperature residue should be washed with delicate abrasive detergent, brush in the direction of grinded surface structure. Rinse with cold water and wipe dry.
  3. Stong discoloring is to be cleaned with lightly rough washcloth in the direction of visible surface structure. Rinse with clean cold water then wipe dry.
  4. Corrosion traces. As a result of acting outside factors (contact with iron filing) a corrosion layer may form on the stainless steel surface. This should be removed by moistening the surface with an oxalic acid solution and leaving it to dry for 15 to 20 minutes and clean using a delicate detergent afterwards. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.
  5. Paint. The affected surface is to be cleaned with a paint solvent, then rinsed with clean water and wiped dry afterwards.
  6. Scratches on the surface. Delicately polish with cloth in the direction of polished surface structure (using a material not containing iron) then wash with a mild detergent, rinse with cold water and wipe dry.
ATTENTION - Products containting ingredients such as chlorine, salt, acids and bleach are not to be used on the stainless steel products. Even a slight chlorine presence in the cleaning products may result in permanent damage to the layer of chrome chloride responsible for corrosion resistance properties and thus lead to corrosion. Do not use powders or other products with abrasive properties, silver cleaning products, scouring pads and sharp cleaning tools.
The manufacturer lends a 24 month warranty on their products under the condition of the customer abiding by the following conditions of product conservation and abiding by the usage recommendations as well as upholding the conditions of conservation and proper use. The warranty is lended under the condition that the usage of products takes place in normal environment conditions without coming into contact with aggresive substances.
The warranty does not cover the products that are at risk of being exposed to outside factors such as fire, water, salts, acids, organic solvents containing esthers, alcohols, aromas, glicol esther or chlorinated hydrocarbon materials, as well as other aggressive chemical substances such as concrete, calcium, abrasive or cleaning products which if used result in scratches or material defects.
The warranty does not cover mechanical damage, natural wear and misuse of product. The warranty does not cover painted elements that were not affected on more than 5% of the surface as a result of usage.
The warranty does not cover elements that were damaged as a result of anomalous weather conditions (being exposed to temperatures above 50 Celsius degrees and below -30 C degrees on the painted surface),natural disasters and random events.
The occurence of bright grey and dark grey areas, unevenness of the outside surface and a so-called "white corrosion" (being the result of a natural process of zinc oxidation) is a natural occurence typical for this type of anti-corrosion layer and thus is not a ground for complaint. 
An unvenness of painted layer may occur on welded and zinc-coated elements, being the result of unveven structure of layed zinc. While making the painted layer on various types of materials (carbon fiber steel, zinc-coated steel, aluminum) one may find a significant difference in yellow and orange color hues.
In case of securing the elements with safety foil, the foil should be removed on the day of product delivery otherwise the foil may vulcanize and create irremovable spots.
The conservation of zinc-coated carbon fiber steel and powder-painted steel: the surface must be subjected to seasonal cleaning using clean waterwork water with a little addition of kitchen cleaning supplies.
The manufacturer lends a 24 month warranty on their products under the condition of the customer abiding by the following conditions of product conservation and abiding the usage recommendations.
The warranty does not cover mechanical damage, natural wear, misuse of the product, sealing and other consumables. The warranty does not cover drying and defecting wood which is a natural effect of humidity change and stability of wood color.
Wood recommended by the manufacturer for the following application:
– interior: impregnated and oiled.
– outdoor: impregnated and oiled with pigment presence.
– outside: impregnated HK Lasur, or painted.
An important factor affecting the oiled, painted and aqueous wood immunity is the smoothness and cleanliness of the surface. Minor scratches and surface damage may affect the hygroscopic structure of wood. The durability of wood is largely dependent on abiding by basic rules of usage and maintenance.
Recommended methods of exclusive dry-cleaning:
  • Removal of minor dirt particles such as dust, sand and leafs should be done with a light brush.
  • Removal of water from the surface should be done using a window water collecting brush. 
  • Wiping of the surface should be done exclusively with a dry cloth (use a cloth with added microfiber for best results).
Special cleaning products with protective properties are recommended for the conservation of oiled, painted or aqueous wood.
Actions concerning wood conservation should be done in regular time intervals of 6 months. This course of action effectively protects against the need for capital renovation. Uncontrolled conservation will result in greying and scratching due to atmospheric conditions. An array of products for wood conservation from renowned companies may be bought depending on the used layer.
Rules of usage and conservation:
  • Maintenance oil  is a product for oiled wood that comes in natural color or with pigment. Applied as renovating and maintenance solution when the wood becomes matted and starts to grey. Makes it easy to conserve the product and increases the immunity of the wood against greying and dirt. Used mainly for indoor products. It is recommended to put on the oil and polish the surface twice in 4 hour intervals.
  • Oil with an increased UV protection is a transparent oil with an increased proctection against wood greying caused by very strong daily sunlight exposure for many hours. It is recommended to use the oil twice in 4 hour intervals by putting on the oil and polishing the surface.
  • Oil with added pigment is an oil which contains pigment specific to a given type of wood. It is characterized by an increased amount of bioxidants and antioxidants that protect the wood against moss, algae, rot and insects. Appliend mainly to products coming in close contact with vegetation. It is recommended to polish the surface twice in 4 hour intervals.
  • Floor cleaner liquid - for normal cleaning - used for regular cleaning, intended for cleaning of dirty oiled, painted or aqueous wood. It is a special cleaner liquid with added wax that coats the wood with a renewable protection layer. It is recommended to let the product rest without any use for two hours afterwards.
  • Paste or maintenance cream - an efficient conservation product for conservation and protection of oiled or aqueous wood. Has a renovating property while simultaneously protecting the surface and bringing out the beauty of wood circles. It is recommended to put on the paste or the cream in 4 hour intervals. For outdoor and indoor use in 6 month intervals.
  • Intensive cleanser - used for capital cleansing of oiled wood. Removes various types of dirt: fats and mold. After rinsing with the intensive cleaner the domestic wood should be impregnated twice (once for exotic wood) in 2 hour intervals and a protective layer of oil with original intended use should be used in 4 hour intervals.
  • Oils, lacquers, repairing azures - intended for a specific type of finishing layers for point repairs as a maintaining, renovating and first and foremost, protective product. It is recommended to immediately remove any occuring damages.
RENOVATION. In case of long-term usage, specific procedures must be undertaken according to the original technology of wood finish should the need for renovation arise. To remove the oiled layers a cleaner should be used and for oiled and azure layers one should use sandpaper with a 360 - 400 grain to get to the raw material. In every technology the wood should be impregnated at least once or twice in two hour intervals and then again it should be oiled twice or azured according to the original intended use to achieve the best results. This treatment should also be applied to lacquer and paint with accordance to manufacturers instructions regarding drying time. The maintenance should be done in temperatures of at least 18 or 20 Celsius degrees.